
She Has a Smattering of Symptoms From Varying Diseases

Entry of the Day

October 6, 2023

maybe it's just me, but i think my palate remains childish even as i grow into adulthood. everything that tastes bad continues to taste bad, regardless of quality or how it's made.

for example, i like beer because i expect it to taste like piss, and lo and behold, it tastes like piss. as opposed to wine where i'm waiting to taste good. everyone says it's exquisite, that the quality and the accompanying meal impacts how good wine tastes. but you could tell me to compare $2 Walmart wine and wine that has been pressed by the gods and whose grapes were grown in the best vineyard in the world, and i would tell you that they both taste like rotten moldy warheads.

same goes for coffee. i can't tell the difference between freshly brewed coffee, coffee that has been left out for a while, and cold brew because they're all equally bitter. i can't tell if the beans are burnt because coffee tastes terrible either way.

and this kind of??? makes me feel embarrassed because i don't feel like my taste is as mature as everyone wants it to be, and i usually end up lost in conversations because i literally don't know what everyone is talking about.